New Fax Number

We have a new fax number.  For those customers wishing to fax their order forms in we have made it easier.  We now have a toll free number for residents of the United States.  You can fax us at 1-866-794-8399!


As you may or may not know, New Image is moving across town because we have out grown our current space.  Our new address is 3602 E. Market Street Rear, York PA 17402.  For those of you familiar with York, we are going to be in the Stoneybrook area right next to Hoss’s.  We will be in the new shop starting Monday May 2.  Our new area will allow us to better serve our customers.  We thank you for your business and look forward to serving you from our new location!

Still Working

So as you may or may not know, we are preparing to move across town to a building with more room.  So much stuff to move , plus Lee is still working on all the seats, cars, and other things that keep showing up at the current place!  Here are some pictures from the last 2 days…

New Flash Opening

Did you see the new flash opening on   It was just put up today.  After the opening you can check out Motorcycles, Autos, Marine and now Loglows!  We are always looking for new things,  keep your eye out for a few other videos that we have been working on….


We do hundreds of seats every year, and each one can be unique.  But we only ever get to see the seat before we box it up and ship it.  That is why we love hearing from customers after they get a chance to sit in one of our seats.  Keep sending us pics and letting us know what you think!